Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 2: Perfect Harmony from Africa!

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

This week in music, children got the opportunity to learn a song and dance from Ghana, Africa. "Chay Chay Koolay" is a traditional call and response song. The students learned proper singing technique and basic dance moves performed in a circle while Mrs. Shore drummed a steady beat. The children learned the meaning of the African words and each were able to express themselves through song and dance. Sing this song at home with your child. They will adore putting on a show for you!

Chay Chay Koolay

Chay chay koolay
(I have good thoughts in my head)
Chay Chay ko-feen-sah
(I have clothes on my shoulders)
Ko-feen Sahlahn-gah
(I have food in my belly)
Kah-kah shelahn-ga
Koom a den day 
(I will dance for you!)

Third - Fifth Grade

This week, third through fifth grade students were able to learn the difference between unison and harmony singing by performing a round. We started off simple. Mrs. Shore's philosophy with music is: We have to learn how to walk before we learn how to fly! I had the students sing in a unison head voice, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." After a few attempts, their ears got trained to singing the round to create harmony. I had a lot of students wanting to hold their ears so that they could focus on their particular part. I had to break them of this habit because the students needed to learn to blend their voices and listen to each other. (Believe me, round/canon singing is easier said than done!) Once I felt the students had a firm grasp on the concept and skills needed, I taught them the "cool" song from Morocco, "A Ram Sam Sam." For this song, students used a four-beat body percussion to accompany their voices. Their talent rocked my socks off! Let your child teach you the song and practice round singing at home! It's a great way to have family fun on long car rides:)

Perfect harmony makes my heart smile :)

What other songs can you sing in a round?

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