Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 4: Music Class is "Dynamic!"

First - Fifth Grade

This week, students got the opportunity to listen to and analyze music. The students were listening for changes in tempo, dynamics, and form. Each student was given a colored card that was labeled "A" and "B." While listening to a variety of song, students flipped their cards to show me changes in form. Here's an example of a poem in AB form.

There once was a man from Peru,
Who dreamed he was eating his shoe.
He awoke in the night
With a terrible fright,
And found out that it was quite true.

This limerick follows a pattern. (AABBA) Lines 1,2, and 5 rhyme, and lines 3 and 4 rhyme. Poetry is music! After sharing the poem, students practiced flipping their card to show the similarities and differences throughout the poem. We then tried it with music! Click on the link below to listen.

See if you and your child can listen to the sound clip and hear the ABA form. The sound clip is Dvorak: SYMPHONY NO.9 IN E MINOR, NEW WORLD, OP. 95, "Largo."

What other songs have the ABA form?

After students listened to a song, we discussed tempo and dynamic levels.


Why do I have to know this, Mrs. Shore??

When a musician picks up a piece of sheet music, the composer will tell you what tempo and dynamic level to use. A good reader will see all of these components when they look at a piece of music. 

You child is a Successful Superstar!


This week in Kindergarten, we are focusing on echoing the teacher and playing a steady beat. I passed out a variety of drums, bells and rhythm sticks, and the children echoed Mrs. Shore in this cute little song.

"I can tap the beat, I can tap the beat. LOUD beat, soft beat, I can tap the beat."
"I can ring my bells, I can ring my bells. LOUD bells, soft bells, I can ring my bells."
"I can beat my drum, I can beat my drum. LOUD beat, soft beat, I can beat my drum."
"I can clap my hands, I can clap my hands. LOUD clap, soft clap, I can clap my hands."

The children would also have to echo Mrs. Shore's voice. I either sang in a whisper, speaking, singing, or shouting voice. Mrs. Shore's favorite is the singing voice. In respect for America, we also sang patriot songs this week. Marching gives the children great practice finding the steady beat.

Try having your child echo you at home. They will love performing for you :)

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